
Invitation to the 2024 Nanning International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Overseas talents and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China, organizations and enterprises,

Nanning International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), first launched in 2018, aims to attract international talents (including those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China) to make innovation and start-up business in Nanning through projects screening, preliminaries both at home and abroad, final in Nanning and projects matchmaking. Apart from this, all-in-one services including funding support, matchmaking and offshore incubation is available for those who want to start up business and work in Nanning. Rewards are also granted to the recommending organizations/agencies. To build Nanning into an international metropolis open to cooperation with ASEAN countries, and to promote the construction of China-ASEAN Cross-border Integrated Industrial Development Cooperation Zone, we would like to invite you to participate in the 2024 Nanning International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Details of the competition are as follows:

1.Time of the Competition

May to September 2024

2.Hosting Organizations

Hosted by: Talents Work Group of the Leading Group of Education, Science, Technology and Talents Work of CPC Nanning Committee

Organized by: Organization Department of CPC Nanning Committee, Nanning Science and Technology Bureau , Nanning Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Nanning Foreign Affairs Office, Nanning Association for Science and Technology, Qingxiu District People’s Government of Nanning

Enterprises Partners: 

Nanning Industrial Investment New Energy Vehicle Investment Co., Ltd.

Nanning Industrial Investment Science and Technology Innovation Investment Co., Ltd.

Unified Investment Management Co., Ltd of Nanning Industry Investment Group

Nanning Investment Guidance Fund Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Guohou Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Qinglan Investment Co., Ltd.

Nanning Lihezijing Investment Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Tianshihui Innovation Services Co., Ltd

Nanning Hengbang Tianshi Innovation Investment Partner Enterprises(Limited Partnership)

Shenzhen Qirong Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Carriers:

Nanning National Agricultural Science and Technology Park

Nanning National Overseas Talents Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base

Lingli Industrial Park

Yongning Emerging Industrial Park

Nanning Science and Technology Enterprise Incubation Base

Nanning Qingda Coordinated Innovation Center

Nanning Zhongguancun Innovation Demonstration Base

Nanning Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park

Guangxi Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship and Innovation Talent Base

TusStar (Nanning) Belt and Road Incubation Base

Guangxi Shennengda Science and Technology Business Incubator

Guangxi Lianxun U Valley Science and Technology Business Incubator

Menggonggu Science and Technology Business Incubator

Nanning New Technology Entrepreneur Center

Zhongmeng Science and Technology Business Incubator

Wuxiang Incubator

Leaguer Science and Technology Innovation Nanning Center

China-ASEAN New Smart City Collaborative Innovation Center

Qingxiu Innovation Center

New Industry Accelerator of Xingning District

Shennong Innovation Agricultural Science and Technology Business Incubator


New energy vehicles and auto parts

New generation of electronic information industry

New chemical and industrial materials

Deep processing of aluminum

Advanced equipment manufacturing

Modern agriculture

Processing of forest products

Food processing

Biomedicine and Health


(1) At least one team member (including shareholders, senior management personnel or key technical staff) have work/study experience (one-year or above) in country/region outside Chinese mainland (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China included) with promising innovative technologies, achievements or products with independent intellectual property rights, can be commercialized and is willing to commercialize the technologies, achievements or products in Nanning within one year after the competition.

(2) No limitation is set on business registration time for enterprise participants other than For local enterprises of Nanning, only those whose owners are introduced and set up business in Nanning after January 1 of 2021 are eligible. 

(3) The project leader’s age is not more than 65 years old (the age calculation cut-off date for applicants is January 1, 2024).

(4) Those who entered the finals in the previous editions of the Competition, or Nanning Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions, or whose projects were funded by Nanning city-level are not to participate in this year’s competition.

(5) Participants of the project roadshow and project matchmaking session must be the team members as declared in the entry form.

(6) If a contestant is found to have behaviors that do not meet the registration requirements or participate in multiple projects at the same time, once verified and confirmed by the competition organizing committee, the competition process of the contestant will be immediately suspended, and their awards and eligibility will be cancelled.

(7) Participants must submit a written request for change to the Committee, if there is any change in their information during the competition. After the Committee has filed the application and made the appropriate adjustments, the participant will be allowed to continue to take part in the competition and apply for the relevant requirements on the basis of the new entry information.

(8) The competition follows the principle of voluntary participation. If a participant wishes to cancelhis/her competition, he/she must submit a written  application to the Committee and withdraw from the competition after confirmation.

5.Competition Schedule

(1) Comencement (Mid-May of 2024). The Organizing Committee will launch the Competition and send out invitation.

(2) Project Recruitmet (Mid-May, 2024 to Mid-June, 2024). The competition is open to both domestic and overseas projects. The Organizing Committee will organize overseas talents to apply for the competition and carry out qualification examination towards applicants regarding their eligibility and correctness of the materials submitted. Applicants to Nanning overseas talents routine roadshow are also welcome to participate in this Competition.

(3) Project matchmaking and pre-application guidance(July, September, 2024 TBC). Pre-application guidance and matchmaking will be organized before the pre-competition and final rounds.

(4) Project Screening (early July, 2024TBC). Qualified projects will be screened by the panel to select projects for the preliminary round.

(5) Preliminary Round (July 15-July30, 2024 TBC).The preliminary round road show will be conducted in groups both online and on site in Beijing,  Nanjing, Shenzhen,Frankfurt (Germany), Singapore and Bangkok (Thailand). For those who cannot make it on site should participate in the online video link session.

(6) Final Round (early September, 2024TBC). The final round road show will be conducted in Nanning both online and offline in accordance with different sectors, including new energy vehicles and auto parts, new electronic information industries, advanced equipment manufacturing, new materials, biomedicine and health, as well as modern agriculture. The core advantages of the project, technological innovation and application scenarios can be presented through PPT slide, video, product demonstration and other forms.

(7) Award Ceremony and Business Matchmaking (depends on the time of the launching ceremony of the 2024 Nanning-ASEAN Talents Exchange Month). Those who enter the final round will attend the award presentation, project matchmaking, industrial park visits and relevant events in Nanning.

(8) Follow-up on the project launch. Following up services and project site investigation assistance will be provided to projects that intend to be launched in Nanning.

6.Awards Policy

(1) Money Award

1) For preliminary round: A number of participation awards will be granted (the top 20% in the preliminary) with the award money of 2,000 RMB per project (after tax). The money will be granted after the final.

2) For final round: 6 First Prizes with the award money of 30,000 RMB per project, 10 Second Prizes with the money of 20,000 RMB per project, 14 Third Prizes with the money of 10,000 RMB per project, and 20 recognition awards with the money of 5,000 RMB per project. The award money is after tax and will be granted after the final and matchmaking in Nanning. For those who cannot make it to Nanning due to force majeure events, he/she can visit Nanning and receive the money whenever deemed appropriate in 2025.

3) For projects launched in Nanning: For those entering the final round and deciding to launch their projects in Nanning, an award will be granted. The winner should register an enterprise in Nanning within one year after the competition as an independent legal person to launch the winning project and commercialize it. Or those partnering with local enterprises to commercialize it can apply for this award after the commercialization condition is mature. In case of special circumstances, the application for the award can be extended for one year. 

a. The First Prize winners willbe included into “Yongjiang Program” (Pioneering Talents category) and granted 500,000 RMB to 5 million RMB according to the results of the assessment. Conditions and procedures for award money allocation will be implemented according to relevant “Yongjiang Program” (Pioneering Talents category) regulations (Innovaiton Pioneering Talents should not be older than 65 years old and the Entrepreneurial Talents should not be older than 55 years old).

b. The Second Prize and Third Prize winners willbe granted a minimum of 300,000 RMB and 150,000 RMB respectivelyand included into “Yongjiang Program” (Overseas Talents category). Disbursement conditions and procedures are in accordance with the special management measures for overseas talents under the “Yongjiang Program”.

c. The Second Prize, Third Prize and Recognition award winners are eligible for applying for theTeam Programof “Yongjiang Program” (Pioneering Talents category), and winners can be subsidized with the amount ranging from 500,000 RMB to 5 million RMB. The exact amount is subject to the deliberation of the judging panel of the “Yongjiang Program”.

(2) Other Incentives

1) Free food &accommodation: One-day food & accommodation at designated hotel for one team member of those selected to enter the preliminary round and participate on site will be provided free of charge. Two-day free food & accommodation at designated hotel for one team member of those selected to enter the final round and participate on site will be provided. Three-day free food & accommodation at designated hotel for one team member of those invited to attend the award ceremony and business matchmaking in Nanning will be offered.

2) Recommendation award. The registered science & technology organization, headhunting and talents service agency and other cooperators can apply for this award for recommending projects. 500 RMB per project can be granted to those whose recommending projects enter either the preliminary or final. The award money is tax included and can be accumulative.

3) Launch award: Organizations and enterprises that have provided matchmaking and recommendation services to facilitate the launch of the first, second, third and recognition prizes winning projects will be awarded accordingly. Award money of 8,000 RMB per project (tax included) will be granted to organizations and enterprises by introducing first, second and third prize winners, 5,000 RMB per project (tax included) by introducing recognition prize winners.

4) Launch service:

a. One-to-one dedicated service including assistance in office site selection, business registration, opening bank account, tax registration and tax declaration guidance is available for the winners in the final.

b. Winners at the final will be recommended to the venture partners of the Competitionand innovation & entrepreneurship incubation carriers.

c. Winners at the finalwill be provided with entrepreneurship guidance, matchmaking and award policy implementation and other services.

Please log on the official website of the Competition( or the website of Nanning Science and Technology Bureau to fill in the registration form and upload attachments.


Contact Persons of the Organizing Committee

(1)Ms. Chen (Nanning Science and Technology Bureau)

Tel: +86 771-553-3963;

Address: Nanning Municipal Government, 10th Floor, No.1 Jiabin Road, Nanning, Guangxi, P.R. China

(2) Ms. Zhang (Nanning Foreign Affairs Office)

Tel: +86 771-588-9043

(3) Ms. Xu (Nanning Association for Science and Technology)

Tel: +86 771-551-4402

For technical problems of the website, please contact: Mr. Wei



1.Extract of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policies in Nanning

2.Materials ListSubmitted

3.Business Plan Template

4.Application Form for the 2024Nanning International Elite  Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (fill out online)